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Dr. Lonic achieves postdoctoral qualification and teaching license in plastic, hand and reconstructive surgery

Dr. Lonic achieves postdoctoral qualification and teaching license in plastic, hand and reconstructive surgery

It is with great pleasure that we can announce that our Medical Director Dr. Daniel Lonic has completed his habilitation in the Department of Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery at the University Hospital Regensburg. The habilitation is directly linked to a teaching license and forms the basis for the appointment as professor. At the same time, Dr. Lonic receives the right to use the academic title “Privatdozent (PD)”.

The Habilitation certificate was awarded on November 18, 2021 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Lukas Prantl, who, as chief physician of the Department of Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Regensburg, had supervised the work. The written postdoctoral thesis is entitled: “The role of photographic and radiological imaging techniques for standardization, preoperative planning, and treatment evaluation of craniofacial procedures.”

Due to the Corona pandemic, the inaugural lecture could unfortunately not take place in the usual form. PD Dr. Lonic is as of now working as a lecturer at the University Hospital Regensburg for medical and dental students in the field of plastic surgery techniques and principles and regularly holds suture courses, lectures and teaching rounds. In addition, PD Dr. Lonic supervises research projects and doctoral students in the field of digitization in plastic surgery and also continues his research in the role of imaging techniques in plastic surgery.

PD Dr. Lonic’s career has focused on the treatment of congenital cranial and facial malformations since his residency, which has benefited significantly from advances in photographic and radiological imaging. Both imaging modalities play a major role in the treatment of rare malformations, as analysis of anatomical features before and after surgeries can be used to refine and critique surgical techniques. This greatly improves the treatment of patients with cleft lip and palate. During a one and a half year fellowship at the Image Laboratory of the Craniofacial Center at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan, PD Dr. Lonic was given the opportunity to contribute to this progress by refining the techniques of LCG surgeries and publishing numerous scientific papers in high impact journals. These publications formed the basis of his postdoctoral thesis, which was accepted by the University of Regensburg after four years of scientific teaching.


Handheld Ultrasound Scanner in Use at MHAND

Modern technology is essential for adapting to the continuous advancements in medicine and ensuring optimal patient care. In this context, we are pleased to introduce a new portable ultrasound device, which will now be used primarily in hand surgery at MHAND.

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