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New practice for ear, nose and throat medicine opens in january

New practice for ear, nose and throat medicine opens in january

Munich, 26 November 2020 – On 01 January 2021, MHEAD, a practice for ear, nose and throat medicine, will open on the premises of MCLINIC. Prof. Dr. Eike Krause and Dr. Peter Fessler, two very experienced and renowned specialists who together offer almost all services of modern ENT medicine with different specializations, will take over the management of the new specialty area. The main focus is on the treatment of hearing and balance disorders of the inner ear, functional and aesthetic nasal surgery, endoscopic paranasal sinus surgery, middle ear surgery and allergology. The practice’s services also include a 3D X-ray (DVT), hearing and balance diagnostics, and allergy testing. As usual, patients at MHEAD can expect treatment from a single source and across sectors in the practice and clinic, as Dr. Fessler will continue to work in parallel at the neighboring Helios Klinikum München West and the Pasing Hospital will also cooperate with MCLINIC in the field of ENT medicine.

Before moving to MCLINIC, Prof. Krause was deputy clinic director at the ENT clinic of LMU Munich and has had his own practice in Munich-Laim since 2017. He is particularly looking forward to his new start in Pasing because he can offer his patients both surgery and holistic medical care at MHEAD. Dr. Peter Fessler is an expert in nasal and middle ear surgery and has been working at the Helios Klinikum München West in Pasing for more than 30 years; since 2015 as a senior consultant. Like Dr. Denys J. Loeffelbein, Dr. Daniel Lonic and Dr. Elias Volkmer, Dr. Peter Fessler will work in parallel in clinic and practice. This is a great advantage for future patients: On the one hand, the complete treatment including initial examination, outpatient or inpatient therapy and aftercare in the practice can be provided from one source. On the other hand, unnecessary duplicate examinations and loss of information are avoided.

Also private lecturer Dr. Thomas Stark, Head Physician of ENT, and Clinic Managing Director Florian Aschbrenner are pleased that the Helios Clinic in Pasing will henceforth also be a close cooperation partner of MCLINIC in the field of ENT. Aschbrenner sees the project as a prime example of the networking of outpatient and inpatient care and welcomes MHEAD as a new practice partner for the clinic, which as a specialist provider with 412 beds is also one of the largest ENT clinics in southern Bavaria. Dr. Denys Loeffelbein, medical director of the MCLINIC together with Dr. Daniel Lonic, initiated the cooperation and is convinced of his own new foundation: “In the past years, we have consistently developed further in the MCLINIC, grew into an interdisciplinary medical center (MVZ) and stand today more than ever for an interdisciplinary philosophy. As a neighboring discipline to oral and maxillofacial surgery and plastic and aesthetic surgery, ENT is an ideal addition to our treatment spectrum. In terms of the progressive outpatientization, I see a great opportunity in the cooperation with Helios for the necessary overcoming of sector boundaries and a meaningful implementation of this development – for the benefit of the patients.”

More about MHEAD from January 2021 at www.mclinic.de/en.
Appointments can be made now by calling +49 (0)89 8292 44-77.


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