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Munich, 18 June 2020 –Dr. Daniel Lonic is one of the recommended doctors in the Munich region. This was determined by the magazine FOCUS Gesundheit in collaboration with the Hamburg-based Stiftung Gesundheit for the large study “Germany’s recommended doctors from the region”. Dr. Lonic is awarded the silver Focus seal for his performance in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery.

The human medicine specialist is a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery and has the special additional designation of hand surgery. Dr. Lonic is head of the Section for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Helios Klinikum München West. At the same time, he is based at the MFACE | Maxillofacial Center Munich, the MFORM | Plastic Aesthetic Private Practice Munich and the MHAND | Practice Clinic for Hand Surgery Munich. The main focus of his work as a plastic and aesthetic surgeon is aesthetic surgery and treatment of all body regions and cranofacial surgery, i.e. the surgical treatment of congenital or acquired malformations in the skull and facial region. In addition, reconstructive surgery after tumors and accidents, including all variants of microsurgical reconstruction and scar treatment, are among his specialties.

Since 2017, FOCUS-GESUNDHEIT has been recommending specialists and dentists in private practice who are leaders in their counties in terms of training, experience and reputation. FOCUS-GESUNDHEIT cooperates with Stiftung Gesundheit in the research. The information is based on the Stiftung Gesundheit’s “Arzt-Auskunft”, a service that has been providing patients with comprehensive information about medical care services since 1997. The seal “Recommended doctor in the region” is based on evidence-based research methods. It is subject to quality criteria and internal quality control according to ISO 9000. In particular, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • Colleague recommendation
  • Specialty designations
  • Additional designations according to the continuing education regulations
  • Expert opinion
  • Quality management
  • Membership/officer in medical-scientific professional society
  • Lecturing activities
  • Patient services
  • Patient satisfaction

The recommended physicians can be viewed via the online Focus physician search (https://focus-arztsuche.de). Patients can search for physicians throughout Germany and, for example, also filter for recommended physicians in their local area.


Handheld Ultrasound Scanner in Use at MHAND

Modern technology is essential for adapting to the continuous advancements in medicine and ensuring optimal patient care. In this context, we are pleased to introduce a new portable ultrasound device, which will now be used primarily in hand surgery at MHAND.

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We welcome Dr. Dr. Mohammed Michael Albittar to our Team

We are delighted to welcome Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Mohammed Michael Albittar to our team! Since mid-January, he has been strengthening MCLINIC in the MFACE department. He is currently training as a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery and is already a qualified medical doctor and dentist.

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