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Handheld Ultrasound Scanner in Use at MHAND

Handheld Ultrasound Scanner in Use at MHAND

Modern technology is essential for adapting to the continuous advancements in medicine and ensuring optimal patient care. In this context, we are pleased to introduce a new portable ultrasound device, which will now be used primarily in hand surgery at MHAND.

Particularly in hand surgery, where precision and attention to detail are of utmost importance, our new handheld ultrasound scanner proves to be an enormous asset. Its high-resolution imaging of soft tissues, vessels, and joint structures provides optimal results for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. High-resolution imaging yields precise representation of all structures, assisting our surgeons in the early diagnosis of injuries, inflammations, compression syndromes and degenerative diseases.

Thanks to its mobile and wireless setup, the scanner can be used directly at the treatment site, leading to faster and more efficient patient care. With its combination of flexible use, optimized image quality, and seamless integration into everyday medical practice, the device ideally complements our technologies.

By implementing the handheld ultrasound scanner, we are leveraging cutting-edge technology to further enhance diagnostic capabilities at MHAND. We are delighted to offer our patients this new technology and are convinced that it represents a significant added value in medical practice.


We welcome Dr. Dr. Mohammed Michael Albittar to our Team

We are delighted to welcome Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Mohammed Michael Albittar to our team! Since mid-January, he has been strengthening MCLINIC in the MFACE department. He is currently training as a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery and is already a qualified medical doctor and dentist.

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