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Conduct Recommendations

Important tips on how to behave before and after your surgery to ensure a fast and undisturbed healing process.
Conduct Recommendations

There are certain things we recommend you to be aware of before and after a surgical procedure to help you prepare for and recover from surgery and to contribute to unobstructed wound healing. Different interventions require different measures. We will educate you in detail about this during a personal consultation and provide you with written information.

At your first appointment in our practice, we would like to learn about your medical history. If necessary, we will, of course, consult with your primary care physician or dentist.

We will be happy to provide you with our patient questionnaire for download in advance.

Please bring the following documents with you to your first appointment:

  • Your insurance card
  • A referral from your dentist or physician
  • If available, current X-ray images and your X-ray passport
  • If available, a Marcumar, allergy or heart passport
  • Your list of medications

If you are having a major procedure or surgery under sedation or anesthesia, it is important to have a companion with you, as you should not drive after a surgical procedure.

For procedures under local anesthesia without sedation, you are welcome to eat something beforehand. For procedures under general anesthesia, however, you may not eat, drink, or smoke for six hours before the scheduled procedure. These time spans may differ for children. Our anesthesiologist will inform you accordingly.

If you are taking any permanent medication, please inform us about it during our initial consultation. We and our anesthesiologist will inform you individually about the intake before and after an operation.

  • Do not drive a car or other motorized vehicles at least 24h after surgical procedures.
  • Refrain from sports activities with high physical stress for the agreed period of time.
  • Please be sure to come to the agreed follow-up appointments.
  • Certificates of incapacity for work may not be issued retrospectively. If the period of certified incapacity is not sufficient, please visit our practice in good time.

A good list of particularly frequently asked questions about dental implants can be found on the website of the ECDI (European Centers for Dental Implantology), an association of implantology centers.

Dental implants FAQ of the ECDI

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Opening HOURS

Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and on Fridays from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM, as well as by appointment.


You can reach us by phone from Monday to Thursday from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, as well as on Fridays from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at +49 (0)89 8292 440 or at any time by e-mail with the addresses of the respective departments.


You can reach us by car and by local and long-distance public transport. Our premises are conveniently located near the Munich-Pasing train station.


You can reach us by car and by local and long-distance public transport. Our premises are conveniently located near the Munich-Pasing train station.

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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

am Montag, 24. März, werden Wartungsarbeiten an unserer Telefonanlage vorgenommen. An diesem Tag kann es sein, dass wir zeitweise telefonisch nicht erreichbar sind und E-Mails womöglich später beantwortet werden. Die Terminbuchung über das Online-Formular funktioniert wie gewohnt.

Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck daran, möglichst schnell wieder auf allen Kanälen für Sie erreichbar zu sein.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis,


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