For referring physicians
Dear colleagues,
We see ourselves as a referral practice and would like to work with you on a long-term and trusting basis. That is why we are committed to the following principles for patients who are referred to us for co-treatment to adhere to the following principles:
- We only carry out the treatment agreed with the referrer and keep them informed by telephone, e-mail or letter to keep them up to date
- As a matter of principle, we do not include patients referred for treatment in our own patient population
- After an appropriate final examination and check of the wound conditions , your patients will come back to you for further treatment will come back to you for further treatment and you will receive a comprehensive medical report with all documents
Interdisciplinary coordination and consultation is particularly important to us in the interests of our patients. Should any questions arise during and after treatment, we will of course be happy to answer them personally.
We have created a referral flyer for direct bank transfers. We can sendthis to you on request, Alternatively , you can download the following file and print it out on two pages.
It goes without saying that we want to treat our joint patients in the best possible way. To this end, we follow the current guidelines of the AWMF as well as the recommendations and statements of the scientific societies. We are a member of various scientific societies.
If you would like to find out more , please visit our personal profiles.
Range of services
- ENT medical mirror examination with ear microscopy
- DVT of the nose, paranasal sinuses, facial skull and temporal bone
- Hearing tests in children and adults with otoacoustic emissions (TE and DP-OAE), brainstem audiometry (BERA), tympanometry and stapedius reflex measurements
- Vestibular diagnostics with video oculography (VOG), air calorimetry and video head impulse test (vKIT)
- Endoscopy of the upper respiratory and alimentary tract with rigid and flexible video endoscopy
- Allergy diagnostics with PRICK, RAST tests, provocation tests and rhinomanometry
- Conservative and surgical treatment of hearing disorders (hearing aid prescriptions, tympanic drainage, intratympanic cortisone application, tympanoplasty, hearing-improving operations)
- Specific immunotherapy (SIT and SLIT) for allergic rhinitis Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)
- Aesthetic and functional nose operations (rhinoplasty, septoplasty)
- Shell lasering for nasal obstruction
- Otoplasty
- Skin surgery in the ENT area (tumor excisions, biopsies, resection of aesthetically disturbing skin changes or scars)
- Minimally invasive wrinkle correction
- Blepharoplasty
Dr. Fröhlich ist Facharzt für Anästhesie und seit gut zwölf Jahren in der Praxis Am Schützeneck tätig. Studium und Facharztausbildung hat Dr. Fröhlich in München absolviert, die Gründung seiner eigenen Anästhesiepraxis erfolgte schließlich 2008. Durch sein jahrelanges Engagement als Hubschraubernotarzt in der Bergrettung sowie durch seine zusätzlichen Ausbildungen in der Tauchmedizin und der Akupunktur verfügt Dr. Fröhlich über eine breite Ausbildung und sehr viel klinische Erfahrung.
Vor einer Operation erhalten unsere Patient*innen einen Anamnesebogen mit verschiedenen Fragen zu Gesundheitszustand, Krankheiten und Medikamenteneinnahme, welcher auch der Narkosevorbereitung dient. In einem telefonischen Vorgespräch wird Dr. Fröhlich Sie über Narkoseverfahren, den Ablauf des OP-Tages, Verhaltensregeln und Risiken aufklären. Natürlich können Sie auch alle Ihre Fragen zur Narkose stellen (Tel.: Dr. Fröhlich +49 (0)89 7105 6902).
We are
here for you
Just a few clicks to your individual desired appointment. Simply enter your type of insurance, your reason for treatment and your preferred appointment time.
Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and on Fridays from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM, as well as by appointment.
You can reach us by phone from Monday to Thursday from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, as well as on Fridays from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at +49 (0)89 8292 4488 or at any time by e-mail.
You can reach us by car and by local and long-distance public transport. Our premises are conveniently located near the Munich-Pasing train station.